Tuesday, March 28, 2017

DIRECTIONS Use the chart to write down quotations from the following passage that show where the reviewer addresses each of the three evaluation standards. 

   A Man of Principle
What does your way of life mean to you, and what would you be willing to do to defend it? Crazy Horse, chief of the Oglala Sioux, stopped at nothing. Russell Freedman’s The Life and Death of Crazy Horse traces the story of the great Sioux warrior’s fight to save his people’s hunting grounds and way of life in the late 1870s, from his early life on the old Oregon Trail to the unusual events leading to his death. The book’s black-and-white drawings, based on eyewitness accounts and completed in the 1890s by Crazy Horse’s cousin Amos Bad Heart Bull, add authenticity to Freedman’s vivid picture of the life and times of Crazy Horse.
Although Freedman’s fascinating biography of this unique man, known among his own people as “Our Strange One,” will appeal to many young readers, its depth and detail make it especially suitable for young adults. Freedman strikes a balanced tone, but his presentation of Crazy Horse is never dull, as shown in the book’s coverage of the Battle of Little Bighorn and the Sioux warrior’s death.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Book Summary: 

Amy is in love with someone who doesn't exist: Alexander Banks, the dashing hero in a popular series of vampire novels. Then one night, Amy meets a boy who bears an eerie resemblance to Alexander. In fact, he IS Alexander, who has escaped from the pages of the book and is in hot pursuit of a wicked vampire named Vigo. Together, Amy and Alexander set out to track Vigo and learn how and why Alexander crossed over. But when she and Alexander begin to fall for each other, Amy wonders if she even wants him to ever return to the realm of fiction

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Comparison-Contrast Context Clues

Literature 3 A
Comparison-Contrast Context Clues

DIRECTIONS: Use the three step 1-3 to find the meanings of the italicized words. Write your answers in the chart.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Literature 3A: Two Winning Artists

Instructions: Use the chart to analyze the comparison-contrast structure of the following passage. Fill in the missing points and details. Items 1–6 correspond to the main points of comparison in their order of appearance in the passage.

     Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, who were not only husband and wife but also two of the most famous Mexican painters of the twentieth century, seemed to be complete opposites. They had radically different approaches to life. Rivera dressed sloppily, but Kahlo carefully decorated herself with multicolored clothes, beautiful jewels, and fresh flowers. Rivera ate huge amounts of food, while Kahlo ate very little. Rivera cared so little for money that he forgot to cash checks, but Kahlo carefully accounted for every penny.
     In spite of these sharp contrasts, the two painters were alike in important ways. Both Rivera and Kahlo loved to entertain others and to laugh. Both were passionate about improving government and society. Perhaps most important, Rivera and Kahlo deeply admired each other’s art, supported its creation, and ferociously defended it against all criticism.