Directions: Use the graphic organizer on the board to help you determine the writer’s point of view in the following brochure text.
Good-bye Boredom, Hello Fun
It’s another boring Saturday afternoon. Your entertainment
options range from enduring dull old movies and home fix-it shows on TV to
bathing the dog. Does this sound painfully familiar? It won’t when you discover
Funtown Community Center. At Funtown, you can meet new people, compete in
joke-telling contests, create your own poems and stories in writing workshops, invent
characters in cartooning classes, sharpen your computer skills, learn surprising
facts about the town’s history, and swim in the pool. It’s all for teenagers
and all free! So switch off the TV, wave good bye to Fido, and meet your friends
at Funtown Community Center. Funtown—it adds life to
your life!