Sunday, September 18, 2016

Literature 1: Implied Main Idea

DIRECTIONS: Use the graphic organizer and the text below to show how the ideas in the sentences lead to the implied main idea of the passage.

Text: Every Saturday I head for the laundromat on the corner. I go early to get the best washers. Then I sit back and watch the scene. People drift in and out. I see parents with restless kids and mountains of diapers, college students with bags of clothes, and older people with tiny wire shopping carts. Once I witnessed something I had never seen before. As I was loading the clothes into the dryer, a man wearing a rumpled suit and sneakers walked in. He had no laundry with him. He came up to me as I was putting quarters in the machine. Saying, “Allow me,” he pulled four shiny quarters from his pocket and put them in the machine for me. “Thanks,” I said. He just nodded and shared his roll of quarters with every person in the room. Then he left. I never saw him again.

Graphic Organizer: 

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